Friday, July 06, 2007

Volunteer to Help Foster Children Without Opening Your Home
Harsh, Erica. WTVQ, July 6, 2007.

The Family Courts are asking for your help putting foster children back in their homes sooner.

The Citizen Foster Care Review Board is searching for volunteers to review the cases of foster children. After eight hours of training you could be ready to help get kids into a permanent home faster. By reviewing cases, program director Patrick Yewell says you can make sure kids don't get lost in the system.

"Children spend an average of about three years in foster care... it's so important that we have people who their only interest is children," Yewell, a former foster child said.

Yewell says board members report to a Family Court judge who can then make a more informed decision on what to do with a particular child.

There are currently 140 review boards across Kentucky; ten of those are in Fayette County. To get information about a review board near you call1-800--928-2350